Monday 31 October 2016

One Page Pitch

For my project, I would like to create a music video for the song ‘Dreams’ by Fleetwood Mac. I want to create a video that will create a cheerful and nostalgic yet emotional and sad tone for the viewer. My plan is to film the video as if it is a camcorder held by a man, filming happy times with his girlfriend/wife, and to edit the footage to give it the appearance of an old home video.


I want the music video to be a collage of these various different clips, including shots of them dancing, having a picnic, going for walks, sitting by a sunset and many more. As the clips carry on, I want a shot that is showing the boy and girl in public and the boy is filming the girl but turns the camera to another girl, which then leads to an argument between the couple, as we will see through clips of them arguing (forgetting camera is still on), and genuinely just showing them growing more distant and the boy trying to patch things up, even though he is met with a cold reception. Finally I want a shot of the girl and boy walking through an alleyway/shady area, and a man jumps out with a knife attempting to mug them, but the girl refuses so he stabs her. We won’t actually see her being stabbed as at this point the boy will have dropped his camera and rushed over to her. The end of the video will be shot as if the camera were on the floor, showing the boy running over to the girl sobbing and heartbroken, and then it will fade to black.

Who would the main audience be?

I think that my main audience would be young adults/people in their twenties, particularly music enthusiasts, however I feel that other people, both younger and older would appreciate it. I think that young adults are more likely to watch music videos, (talking point between friends, or just for recreational purposes) so it will appeal to them, therefore I will be using people of that age in my video so that people will relate. Also, I want my video to be a representation of young love and heartbreak, so many young viewers will be able to identify with it. However, the song itself is an old song, released in 1977, so people of older generations might remember or like the song.

How would this video be suitable for the artist?

My video will be suitable for the artist, due to the fact that Fleetwood Mac were very into the hippie culture, which I wish to embrace in the video, showing the simplicity of love without the influences of the modern world. I want to edit the first half of the video to seem very bright and summery, also I will use nature as a prominent theme of the video.

What skills do I have which would make me suitable it create this video?

I have an extremely creative mind and can create a vision in my head of exactly what I want, and I have a determination that will drive me to ensure that vision is achieved. I have chosen to work alone which is a huge risk, but I believe that knowing I can’t rely on anyone else will drive me to perform better and become more independent, and help me as a media student. As this project is entirely my own, I get to craft it personally without input from anyone else, which will grant me total creative control, which I think will express my skills.


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