Friday 22 July 2016


Aloha! Konichiwa! Bonjour! Hola! Ciao! Namaste! Or simply in the words of Adele, Hello. Due to the subject matter of this blog, I think an Adele reference isn’t totally irrelevant (that being said, an Adele reference is never irrelevant). So yes you might have guessed, this blog is about music, more specifically music videos. For my A2 main task, I am to create a music video for a song of my choice, fitting into the conventions of my chosen genre and my chosen artist. I have already made the decision that I am going to be working on my own for this project, as I want to prove myself to people that believe I rely on other people too much, as well as the fact that I am a perfectionist and I like everything to equate to the image I have in my mind. Along the course of the year I will update this blog with the details of my film making and the challenges I’m sure I will face down the road.

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